Friday, May 6, 2011

The plans for the summer...

So, activities for the summer:
  • Train with my wife and run at least one 5K with her- preferably 3 or 4
  • Ride RAGBRAI again- this year's route is like a tour of the towns that I have a connection to in Iowa, so it seems like I have to do it again
  • I'm tired of thinking about running a Full Marathon and letting the "You're crazy" comments keep me from doing it. I'm registered for the Air Force marathon this coming September. Guess I better get started training for that
    • Proving the "You're crazy" people's point, I'm toying with the idea that I might just barely be able to hit a Boston Qualifying time in that marathon. Since Boston is scheduled to keep getting harder to qualify for each year, I feel like it's now or never. Just not sure yet that I want it bad enough to work as hard as I would need to for that one- and not sure I can even manage it. Looks like I'd need to run the whole thing at an average pace just above 8 minutes/mile- which is currently slightly better than my 5K mile pace. Definitely not easy.
  • Try out some other fitness options around- I'm somewhat interested in seeing if I'd like everything from Zumba to Kettlebell workout classes to some other Yoga classes.
  • Maybe lose another 10-15 pounds (which will be difficult at this point, but should probably help with the Boston Qualifier craziness
  • Make a road race plan for the summer with 5K and trail races to keep up the variety and see what's fun
  • Really work on improving my sleep- that's the one part of overall fitness that I'm still not doing very well at. I know this is an important piece to making any of the rest of this work.
  • And, oh, yes- update this blog much more often. At least every other week seems reasonable, and I think it will help me work out the issues that remain and keep on top of what I'm doing with this active, fit life.
We'll see how that shakes out, but that's the basic plan. That, along with personal life stuff and work stuff, sounds like an extremely busy summer. hope I can make it all work.

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