Thursday, July 29, 2010

On to Waterloo

Up in the morning, packed, and on the way for a long ride to Waterloo. Got a little breakfast at camp, then stopped about 15 miles in for an Orange Julius fundraiser for the local Boy Scouts. While I was enjoying that drink, another rider started a conversation with me about the Wright Brothers, having heard me say I was from Dayton. Turns out he works in a University in Storm Lake, where he is working on writing web content for their web presence. He's dealing with a lot of the challenges we deal with, though on a smaller scale, so we had some interesting conversation. Guess you still find us computer geeks just about anywhere. Then on to Clarksville, and a stop at the library to use their internet connection to get the blog up to date. So many nice little cities around here.
They are predicting that today will be the nicest day of the week, weather-wise, so we'll see. It would be nice if we had good weather to balance out the longer 82-mile run. So far, it's fairly cool- but the skies are clear and I won't be surprised if it gets hot soon. My supply of sunscreen is running low, too, so I'm going to need to go shopping in Waterloo. Better get going...

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