Monday, July 25, 2011

Moving into day 2- a day off

To finish up yesterday's story, I made it to Atlantic, but only with a bunch of stops. Late in the day, I started to realize a few things:
  • I had consumed a lot of liquids. If I am recalling correctly, I count up 8 20-ounce bottles of Gatorade, and 5 20-ounce bottles of water, as well as a few uncounted fill-ups of my 24-ounce water bottle.
  • Despite this, I wasn't finding the need for bathroom stops. Not a good sign.
I considered waiting for the RAGBRAI sag bus to come by, and stopping for the day, but... I thought I was OK with frequent stops to cool down. During my stop at the library, when I wrote up that last post on the day, I did finally have some "output", so I decided that I just needed to be careful. I did quite a few stops the last few miles and finally arrived in camp. Grabbed a cold drink, got my bags, found a place to set up my tent, and got that all taken care of. This let me get out the stuff I needed and head for a shower- which helped tremendously. By the end of that shower, I actually had an appetite again. And it was just time for supper to be served. I felt like I was radiating heat standing in the sun for the food line. Pork Belly had this meal included with week-long service, and it was basic picnic fare- hamburgers, potato salad, cheesy potatoes, and mixed veg salad. Some decent lemonade topped it off, and I guzzled several glasses of that. As soon as I was done, I walked over to the information building and sat in the air conditioning for a while. I decided that I needed to take a day off- so I reserved my seat on the pork belly SAG bus. Eventually, I felt a little bit cooled off, and headed back to camp. Took the bike over to get it loaded for the SAG ride, and I headed to bed even before it was dark, and slept fairly well.
Up early, packed everything up, and got it all loaded onto the bus. I sat and watched the riders go by, beginning their day. The temperature had dropped and it was expected to be about 10 degrees cooler than the day before. I found myself both regretting my choice to ride and still knowing that it was the right thing to do. My body was pretty exhausted from yesterday's ride, and it was time to listen to it. The bus ride was nice and comfortable, and we arrived at our Caroll, Iowa campsite- at Swan Lake. It was a nice wooded area, and I got the tent set up and unpacked, then rode the bike about 7 miles into town. I'm thinking I'll head to a movie this afternoon. Relax. Keep cool. The right choice for now. Tomorrow, a much flatter route and more liquid earlier in the day. I'm getting excited already.

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