Friday, January 14, 2011

Starting up the blogging once again

Early on in this journey, I came up with the idea of setting up a blog to post some of my thoughts, discoveries, and ideas that were a part of this trip towards my healthy life. It took me a while to get started, and as you can see, it's been a little bit spotty along the way. Life catches up, work makes demands on my time, and eventually it gets away from me for a while. Despite all of that, I keep coming back to it. I've learned so much along the way that I always have a hard time answering the inevitable question: "How'd you do it?".
I always think that the answer is not too hard, and my initial answer is a short list of ideas:
  • Control the portions of what I eat - not the automatic "starve myself" kind of reaction that people often think is the only answer, but just make sure I'm not eating the whole pizza and stuffing myself. You don't really have to walk around uncomfortable because your body is crying out for food it needs, just move away from automatically eating whatever happens to be in front of you
  • Eat a healthier diet - I think most everyone knows at least most of what that is, and you can keep track of what you are eating and refine your diet as you go. Mostly, this just means eating more fruits, vegetables, and fresh food and less packaged, "fake" food. The more processing, the more likely it isn't the best food for you. 
  • Become more active- everything from going for a walk or run to scheduling workouts into your week to sports to choosing to walk the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Just work on balancing out the common lifestyle that we have- sitting most of the day. 
That much is the easy answer- but it's not the complete one. Every one of those involves a million little tiny decisions to find what is right for you, and make little tiny incremental improvements when you can. Explaining the ways that I have found to do that always ends up with a lot of "oh, and here's another thing..." kinds of recollections. And I'm afraid that those often may overwhelm the person who asked me the question in the first place. So, back to the blog.
I've posted some of this information previously, but there's so much more that is useful stuff. I need to document that somewhere, think it through, and share it. So, here we go once again. My goal at this point is to do more than one posting a week, each focusing on a single part of the story, a resource, or whatever single topic is of interest. I hope to share some useful information, and we'll see if I can do a little better at sticking with it this time.
Before I leave you this time, let me add in my other general tip. In all of the changes that you are making to your eating and your exercise/activity, find what you love. You may not love the first time you do a particular exercise, but think about it and give it a real try before you give up on it. And if you don't love it after giving it a good chance, find the thing that you do love. Eat the foods you love that fit into your eating plan. Changing your diet to regain your life isn't about what foods you give up- find the foods that are healthy for you that you love, and enjoy them. Let yourself have those, and try to add more foods that you love to your life. In the midst of all of this, I've found that I like running a lot more than I ever would have thought, and it draws me to it. I keep coming back to thinking about another run that's coming up or another goal I'd like to achieve. I've discovered that I love berries- raspberries, blackberries, blueberries. I eat them almost every day, and I believe they have a positive impact on my health. My wife found that she didn't really like riding bikes- until we found a different bike for her and it changed into something she loved. We've enjoyed a number of bike rides together and it's a common activity for us when the weather's nice. She enjoys her walks a lot more now that she has loaded up her iPod for the walk.

Find those things for you, and choose them. Adding things you love to your life is a lot of fun. Get back your life by making those choices, and have some fun. Good luck!

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